0300 | 2 | X/Right coordinate of graphics window |
0302 | 2 | Y/Bottom coordinate of graphics window |
0304 | 2 | X/left coordinate of graphics window |
0306 | 2 | Y/Top coordinate of graphics window |
0308 | 1 | X/left of text window |
0309 | 1 | Y/bottom of text window |
030A | 1 | X/right of text window |
030B | 1 | Y/top of text window |
030C | 2 | X coordinate of graphics origin |
030E | 2 | Y coordinate of graphics origin |
0310 | 4 | Current graphics origin in external coordinates |
0314 | 4 | Current graphics cursor in external coordinates |
0318 | 1 | Text cursor X coordinate |
0319 | 1 | Text cursor Y coordinate |
031A | 1 | Line within current graphics char of graphics point |
031B | 4 | Graphic workspace or start of VDU queue |
031F | 5 | VDU queue |
0324 | 4 | Current graphics cursor in internal coordinates |
033C | 2 | Graphics cursor Y coordinate |
033E | 2 | Graphics cursor X coordinate |
034A | 2 | Text cursor address |
034C | 2 | Text window width in bytes |
034E | 1 | High byte of screen memory start address, Low is 0x00 |
034F | 1 | Bytes per character |
0350 | 2 | Address of top-left of screen |
0352 | 2 | No bytes per line |
0354 | 1 | Screen memory length |
0355 | 1 | Mode |
0356 | 1 | Screen memory map type |
0357 | 1 | Foreground text colour |
0358 | 1 | Background text colour |
0359 | 1 | Graphics foreground mask |
035A | 1 | Graphics background mask |
035B | 1 | Graphics foreground modifier |
035C | 1 | Graphics background modifier |
035D | 2 | General VDU jump vector |
035F | 1 | Record of last setting of 6845 cursor start reg |
0360 | 1 | No colours available |
0361 | 1 | No of pixels per byte |
0362 | 2 | left/right colour masks |
0364 | 2 | Text input cursor coordinates |
0366 | 1 | Teletext output cursor character |
0367 | 1 | Font flag (RAM or ROM)
Bit 1 |
Characters 224-255 |
Bit 2 |
Characters 192-223 |
Bit 3 |
Characters 160-191 |
Bit 4 |
Characters 128-159 |
Bit 5 |
Characters 96-127 |
Bit 6 |
Characters 64-95 |
Bit 7 |
Characters 32-63 |
0368 | 7 | Font location bytes |
036F | 16 | Palette mapping actual colour for each logical colour |
0380 | 29 | Header block for BPUT file store |
039D | 1 | Offset of next byte to be output into BPUT buffer |
039E | 1 | Offset of next byte to be read from BGET buffer |
039F | 8 | Unused |
03A7 | 11 | Filename of file being BGETed |
03B2 | 31 | Block header of most recent block read |
03B2 | 12 | Filename terminated by zero |
03BE | 4 | Load address |
03C2 | 4 | Exec address |
03C6 | 2 | Block number address |
03C8 | 2 | Block length |
03CA | 1 | Block flag byte |
03CB | 4 | 4 spare bytes |
03CF | 2 | Checksum |
03D1 | 1 | Sequential block gap, *OPT3 |
03D2 | 11 | Filename of file being searched for |
03DD | 2 | Number of next block expected for BGET |
03DF | 1 | Copy of block flag of last block read |
03E0 | 32 | Runtime keyboard buffer |